On a hill of Gaiche -
Piegaro, in the place of birth of blessed Leopold, the water of the
"miracles" gushes out of the rocks, prodigious in fighting
against gastritis, fermentative dyspepsies, peptic problems,
gastrointestinal atonies, spastic colitis. In
the neighbourhood of the spring the association IACA would like to create
a center of research and assistance for Alzheimer patients.
The founder of the
association, Marcello Ciai, since years has taken to heart the battle
against this "plague", that affects many old people and in an
increasing way, the younger ones too, with all that this progressive
degenerative disorder implies, both for the patients and their
relatives, who often are destined to support and care for them for a
very long time.
This project will be
realized in memory of Rina Ricciarelli, mother of the mentioned Ciai,
who died at the age of 84 years, affected during the last 15 years
of her life by this illness. Though the disease took away her daily
contact with reality, it did not succeed in taking away her dignity,
serenity and peace, which, thanks to the prayers and the cures of the
community, carried and supported her to her dying day.
For a project of this kind
there will be need of considerable finances.
"For the funds
we are making contact with bankers, national and international
associations" explains Angela Groesser, president of the IACA.
put all our possible efforts into this project and we wholeheartedly
invite all the people to collaborate in whatever way they
can, whether economically or with professional loans, before,
during and after the works. It will be an unrepeatable occasion for
doctors, scientists, nurses and volunteers to carry out this initiative
together with us."
According to experts, the
place of Gaiche is particularly suited for the cure and research as well
for the natural habitat in which it is located . It is also conveniently
close to the big centers of assistance (hospitals and nursing-homes)
like Perugia, Montepulciano, Valdichiana, Chiusi .......