"Amore e Pace"
This is our greeting and wish
prodigious conversion of a businessman of the land of Assisi,
Marcello Ciai, then Prophet of Assisi,
gave rise to a Community
afterwards with the voluntary contribution of the sons
the non-profit Association IACA.
Books on a prophetic work risen in Assisi more than thirty years ago, which is involving the world.
The roots of the Ciai family date back to the land of Assisi. Here on the slopes of Mount Subasio, (red indicator shows the location on the stupendous photo) the prodigious conversion of a business-man Marcello Ciai - born in 1936 - happened.
Marcello at the end of the seventies left his love for money and success for a greater love, that for the Lord Jesus Christ, who in a most singular as extremely real way revealed Himself.
Marcello after his "prodigious encounter" with the Lord, left all his affairs, and instead of seeking for money and success, prayed and looked for brothers and sisters to live with and spread the love and peace of God.
In consequence of this real and peculiar conversion, in 1981 a small and particular community formed itself: people from various countries and different cultures, united by love towards God and their neighbour.A family community: "Comunità Famiglie di Betlemme", sharing in reality tangible properties, talents, capacities, delights and pains, inspired by the Benedictine style of prayer and work: "ORA ET LABORA".
All has been and is inspired then by the firm belief that God is the spring of each real and everlasting good; and only in God anyone can find again power and delight to live in harmony with himself and his neighbour, in the prospective of ETERNITY.
We have to remark here that in this life of prayer in God's love for the Church and our neighbour, prophecies have been given to Marcello on what unfortunately is happening in the world today.
Since many years in the land of Assisi there is this "prophetic" community which took the name "Families of Bethlehem" still before Assisi itself was twinned with Bethlehem. Distant from Assisi a dozen kilometers - about as much as Bethlehem is distant from Jerusalem - it was founded in 1980 after the conversion of Marcello Ciai, the prophet of Assisi, beginning with some families and some single persons who put everything in common as the first Christian communities. Actually a small but active core of the community has remained, dedicated to witness the spirit of Francis in Assisi and in the Church, helping people in need.
A small community poor and suffering, which has experienced persecution like the Holy Family of Bethlehem. The Community which now, right because it has remained small, is called "Family of Bethlehem" lives in a state of social and economic precariousness, but full of faith, of Jesus’ love and of the desire to serve Him in these last days that precede His return. The founder Marcello Ciai, wants to continue to live though being ill, we remember that his mother died of Alzheimer's disease, in an ex hayloft under a dilapidated roof covered with a tarpaulin.
this old
covered with a tarpaulin
the founder lives upstairs
In the Chapel of the Community
Inscription done by Sister Verdiana
Father Alberto and Marcello in the Chapel
Places of prayer in the
midst of nature of the Community Families of Bethlehem at Rocca Sant'Angelo
Marcello and Daniel Ciai